In 2015, Tenova began its evaluation of Additive Manufacturing (AM) as one of the potential disruptive technologies within Industry 4.0.  The investigation was based on utilizing AM as an alternative to the traditional manufacturing process and how to internalize the related value chain benefits as well as create new business opportunities. We learned that Tenova, in collaboration with some reference customers, could design the production process for feed materials used by 3D printers.  We have also filed some patents for an innovative powder production system. Perhaps  the biggest opportunities for AM in the metals value chain exist in the production of high-performing metal powders and enhanced properties products.  As this technology matures and costs drop, we expect industry usage to spread, reaching more manufacturing segments of the  automotive and tooling sectors. Tenova Digital solutions will also play a relevant role in the related value chain because of its complex plant knowledge and experience.

Nessuna descrizione alternativa per questa immagine

Tenova, società del Gruppo Techint, partner mondiale per lo sviluppo di soluzioni #sostenibili, innovative e affidabili nell’industria #metallurgica e #mineraria. Tenova si impegna a innovare continuamente, concentrandosi sulla qualità, sul risparmio energetico e sulla riduzione dell’inquinamento per i suoi clienti. Il suo obiettivo è favorire uno sviluppo solido e sostenibile del settore.
Che ruolo ha l’AM nella ricerca di soluzioni più sostenibili e green?
Ce ne parlerà a RM FORUM, Michela Boccadoro AM Product Manager at Tenova.

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